I really really really miss being able to blog frequently. I will try to keep it up I swear I will but I'm thinking once or twice a week is just about as much as I can manage out here. I do have a couple of things to say while I'm online, however.
One, I'm tired of food. All food. And yet, I get excited by the strangest types of food. I know that seems contradictory but you'd understand if you were here. It's a smorgasbord of eats here. There are crab legs and lobster tails...ribeye and indian food...chinese buffet...salads...soft serve ice cream. Honestly, it's everything you could want to eat. But it gets so...freakin'....old! I don't know what it is. I think part of it must be because I like the act of putting together a meal. There's something satisfying about chopping up fresh vegetables and slaving over a hot stove. Throwing things on a crappy used plate atop a brown plastic tray just gets a little unappetizing after awhile.
Then again, there's the COMBOS. I never knew how much I loved combos. You know what I'm talking about. Cheese filled, pretzel encrusted, salty combos. Funny how you're surrounded by piles and piles of food and all you want is pre-packaged, cheese filled crapola. But oh how I love the crapoloa.
It's almost the same way I love cereal right now. Life, Sugar Smacks, Special K...you name it. If it's normal, I WANT it!
And now for something completely different...
How SUCK SUCK SUCKY is it that the one box that didn't get here was filled with jeans and tennis shoes?!?!?! How...does...that...happen!?!?! It's like I'm being punished or something. I am functioning on cargo pants and hiking boots and this is really NOT ok. Not to worry friends and countrymen/women/people/whatever...amazon ships to APO addresses and they ship pretty quickly as a matter of fact. Too bad I shipped everything I wanted out here to...wait for it...wait for it...RICHMOND! ergh!
Other than that, all is well. Movies are $5 a pop, nevermind you can hear the people laughing in the theater because THEY ACTUALLY FILMED IT WHILE THEY WERE WATCHING THE MOVIE AT THE MOVIE THEATER! I'm not kidding! At the end of "The Help", I saw the shadow of a person leaving the theater. I poop you not!
And if the excellent movie quality doesn't convince you to move to the desert, then the super duper awesome SATELLITE internet connection will! WOOT WOOT. It only takes me 17 hours to download a 5 minute you tube video clip...now THAT is technology.
OR OR...there's the recycled sewer water they use to water the grass. A novel and very "green" idea but a wee unpleasant as you're strolling to work with your cup of java.
But the people are great, the work is better, and I'm pleased as peaches to have hubs here with me. I could complain (and obviously I will and do) but really, I'm a pretty lucky girl.
Did I mention the booze DID arrive!?!?! :)